Considering A Hair Transplant Procedure? What You Need To Know

Hair loss is challenging to deal with, and it impacts both your appearance and self-esteem. For those who have started noticing thinning and other signs of loss, a few options can help, including medications and surgery. While there are quite a few hair loss treatments to consider, a hair transplant procedure may be the most effective option for you. If you want a hair transplant, here are three things you need to know.

What Options Are Available

If you are looking into hair transplants, you will need to decide between two transplant options: a follicular unit transplant or a follicular unit extraction procedure. Both approaches are similar in that follicles are harvested and surgically inserted into the area with hair loss. With a follicular unit transplant, a strip of skin is taken from the back of the scalp, while no strips of skin are removed with a follicular unit extraction procedure. Other surgical methods for dealing with hair loss include scalp reduction surgery and tissue expansion. 

It's Not Cheap

If you are looking into hair restoration, it's important to note that it is not cheap. Hair transplants can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $15,000. How much hair restoration costs for you will depend on the number of hair follicles that need to be moved to cover your hair loss. The more hair movement, the higher your costs will be. Most health insurance plans will not cover this procedure, so be prepared to pay out of pocket for this procedure. 

What To Expect

Knowing what to expect after the transplant is essential. You won't wake up after your hair restoration with a head full of hair immediately, but you will wake up to some tenderness and pain. Bandages will be necessary on the scalp for a few days, but you will be able to get back to your normal activities fairly quickly. The transplanted hair will also fall out a few weeks after treatment. While this can be alarming, it's something to expect. In addition, you will notice new hair growth in the transplant area within a few months to up to a year of the procedure.

If you are looking into a hair transplant, there are a few things to know. First, there are a few options available when it comes to hair restoration. Second, hair loss treatment is not cheap and can cost thousands of dollars, and is generally not often covered by insurance. Finally, you also need to know what to expect regarding recovery and new hair growth. To learn more, contact a company like Capitis Medical and Aesthetics.

About Me

Iron Out Your Wrinkles with Dermal Fillers

Hey there! My name is Margo White. I am a 52-year old mother of two who has her first grandchild on the way. When my son told me that he was expecting his first child, I was overjoyed. But as the news set in, I found it hard to believe that I was going to be a grandma. After all, I didn't feel that old, nor did I think I looked that old. Then I looked in the mirror and saw how tired and wrinkled my face had become. It was then that I decided I was going to be the best looking grandma I could be. I decided to have dermal fillers used on my face to iron out the wrinkles. I decided to make this website to go over the different types of fillers that can be used and weight the pros and cons of each type.