3 Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Not everyone is happy with the way that they look. Cosmetic surgery can help you achieve the body or face you have always idealized. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you'll learn of a few of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures.  

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, known as an abdominoplasty in the medical world, will serve to rid you of a bit of extra weight and skin that surround your stomach area. This procedures generally works by using a vacuum-like device to suck a way a bit of excess fat from the area – much like a liposuction operates. Excess skin around the stomach and flanks is then removed and tightened around the muscles. After the operation is complete, expect to keep your activities to a bare minimum anywhere from three days to one week, per your doctor's orders.

Ear Surgery

Otoplasty is the cosmetic surgery that is associated with ears. Many people are self conscious of how their ears appear to the world. While some people are not happy with their ears having a look of being "pinned back" or far too close to their head, other individuals are unhappy with the notion that their ears stick out too far. Otoplasty is a process where some of the cartilage of the ear is either removed or configured in such a way that the ears can taken on a completely different appearance. Recovery from otoplasty does take some time. Although you can easily walk out of a cosmetic surgeon's office after the procedure, a month long recovery process will most likely be necessary.

Breast Implant Removal

Although there are those that are unhappy with the natural state of their body, there are also many people who decide that they were happier with their body prior to any surgical enhancement. Breast implant removal, as its name suggests, is a process whereby the silicone or saline based implants that are placed under the skin of a person's breasts, is removed. The process itself should take no more than an hour in ideal circumstances, but you should also expect a recovery period of somewhere around six weeks.

There are a number of different cosmetic surgical procedures that can help you look the way you want to look. If you have any further questions about cosmetic surgical procedures, it is recommended that you contact the offices of a local and trusted cosmetic surgeon.

About Me

Iron Out Your Wrinkles with Dermal Fillers

Hey there! My name is Margo White. I am a 52-year old mother of two who has her first grandchild on the way. When my son told me that he was expecting his first child, I was overjoyed. But as the news set in, I found it hard to believe that I was going to be a grandma. After all, I didn't feel that old, nor did I think I looked that old. Then I looked in the mirror and saw how tired and wrinkled my face had become. It was then that I decided I was going to be the best looking grandma I could be. I decided to have dermal fillers used on my face to iron out the wrinkles. I decided to make this website to go over the different types of fillers that can be used and weight the pros and cons of each type.